The Story of a Life

Austin James (Spicer) Graves was born on September 20th, 2013. He passed away on December 19th, 2013. A day short of his 3 month birthday.

My wife Autumn and I were in process of adopting him. And we loved him so very much. His death has been rather hard on us.

I wanted to put this website together as a place where we can put all of the pictures we have of him, to journal our experiences of his life and the grieving process we went through after his death, and a place for family and friends to visit and remember this remarkable young man.

For the short time he was with us, he was our light. On our dresser there is a picture of him in a frame, and the frame reads “Dream Come True.” And he truly was.

6 thoughts on “The Story of a Life”

  1. I will never forget the greatest moment I was so lucky to be a part of. The night that Denise, Randi and I were waiting for the two of you to arrive to pick him up. There are no words to describe the pure happiness on yours and Autumns faces. The tears, laughter, and smiles! He truly was a lucky little man to have you both!

  2. So today is Valentines Day. Austin I have thought of you so many times today through out the day. I wondered if I got you a balloon if it would amaze you or scare you. I see your picture on my mantel and on my self. Everyday I give you a kiss and let you know that I love you. You are all of our sweet angel and maybe our little cupid! Happy Valentines day sweet boy! Aunt Cindy loves you so very much.

  3. I have all of his pictures ready to be hung and now I don’t know if I should hang them all in one place, or scatter them throughout the house. Jeff said it looks like a shrine with them all together. I may just break them up so he is with me everywhere I go, except the bathroom of course. I love him and I miss him so very much!!

  4. So much has happened little man since you left us. But know that not a day goes by that your family does not think of you and miss you. Another valentines Day is soon to be upon us. I have picked this day to remember you because it represents love. And to me it represent you. The love that you gave and received to and from every member of your family. September and December still is hard to bare. I see your face iny dreams and wonder what you would be like. This past week, your mommy and daddy found out that they were going to have a baby brother for you this June. I can’t help but imagine what your reaction would be to this. How would you feel bag mg to share your mommy and daddy with a little one. Today your mommy told me what your little brothers name was to be. Keegen Austin Graves. It made me cry that they gave him your new as a middle name. I know that you will be watching over your mommy, daddy, and baby brother. And know that we love you so very much. Love you so much Austin!!!!

  5. So this past week, your baby brother was born. I know that it is not possible, but the picture I seen of Keegan reminds me of two people that I love very much. He looks like your mommy and in some ways looks like you! He has your chubby cheeks. I know that you will watch over your mommy, daddy, sister, and baby brother. And know that we think of you e eryday. We love you so much Austin!


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